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Found 6566 results for any of the keywords pillow pak. Time 0.008 seconds.
Pillow Pak Desiccant Packs | Tyvek Pouches | SorbchemDesiccant pillow packs by Sorbchem India in Tyvek. Ideal for moisture-sensitive products & dehumidifier processes. DMF-free.
Tyvek Pouches - Packaging Solution For HealthcareTyvek® used for the packaging of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, and nutritional supplements. Available in pillow pak and unit pak with a variety of adsorbents...
Silica Gel With Molecular Unit Pak For High level moisture controlOur silica gel and molecular sieve in unit pak both together provide effective protection against moisture. They help to control the high level of moisture from healthcare products.
Silica Gel With Activated Carbon Unit Pak For Moisture & OdourPharma Desiccants offer a mixture of silica gel and activated carbon for controlling large quantity of moisture and odours in bulk drug packaging, at a single time.
Cargo and Container desiccant bags & Packets | Desiccant PakOur Container Desiccant bags & packets help protect goods from moisture damage, maintain product quality, prevent corrosion, mildew, mold, rust, fungus.
Blog | Silica Gel Used to Get Dump of Mold On LeatherThese modern days usage of aesthetic valued fashionable items has become more important. Younger generations have become more fashion-conscious and ar...
Desiccant Silica gel/Dehumidifier packets-Moisture absorber bagDehumidifier silica gel packets drying agents absorb moisture from the air to protect product, available in various size1,5,10,25,50gm & 1kg pack
Desiccant Canister | Moisture Absorber Canisters For PharmaUSFDA-approved Desiccant canisters are used in tablet and capsule bottle packaging available in various adsorbents
Molecular Sieve Desiccant StripProtect your medications from moisture damage with molecular sieve desiccant strips, ensuring their integrity and effectiveness. Inquiry for bulk orders....
Odour Control Chemicals | Odour Control Products For PharmaWhen medicines are packed for a long time they release odour, this has a solution, the activated carbon desiccant which avoids odour problems in medicine packaging.
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